124. Using deselectAll( ) command to deselect any already selected list options in the multiple-selection Box

In order to understand the multi-selection box, we've to understand the difference between a drop down field and multi-select box.

Difference between Drop down field and Multi-Select box ?

As we have seen in our previous post that, we can select only a single list option from the drop down list field. But in multi-selection box field we can select more than one list options from the list as shown below:

Test Description:

Before we select more than one list options in the Multi-Select Box field, first lets deselect any list option if it is selected by default. Follow the below steps to understand the Test Description:

1. Open http://compendiumdev.co.uk/selenium/basic_html_form.html
2. Observe that the 'Selection Item 4' option is selected by default as shown below:

3.  Remove this default selection by using the Selenium WebDriver command deselectAll( ) 

In order to use the deselectAll( ) command, we have to create an object for Select class of selenium as shown below:

 Select select = new Select(_driver.findElement(By.cssPath("CSS Path of Multi-Select Box field")));

  • Here Select is the Class name
  • select is the object of Select Class

After creating an object for Select Class, you can get the deselectAll( ) predefined method of Select Class by using its object select as shown below:

select.deselectAll( );

Lets Implement This:


1. Create a new Java Project say 'WebDriver-Project43' in Eclipse IDE
2. Configure the Project to work with Selenium WebDriver
3. Create a package say 'package43' under the newly created project.
4. Create a Java Class file say 'Class43' under the newly created package as shown below:

Actual Steps:

1. Write the following code into the newly created Java Class file as shown below and make sure that you resolve all the errors before going to next step:

2. Write the test method 'deselectAllMultiSelectListOptions( )' which uses CSS Path Statement for locating the  Multi-Selection Box field as shown below:

3. Save and Run the 'Class43.java' file by selecting the 'JUnit Test' option and ensure that our Automation Test has deselect all the list options from the Multi-select Box field as shown in the below video:

Watch the below video:

Click here to watch the video.

Download this Project:

Click here to download this project and import into Eclipse IDE  on your machine.

Please comment below to feedback or ask questions.

Using selectByVisibleText( ) command to select more than one list options from the Multi Select Box field will be explained in the next post.


